Conflict of Interest Policy
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Demonstrate the company’s intention to identify, highlight and monitor all potential or actual conflicts of interest that may occur in the delivery or assessment of our course programmes.
- Demonstrate the company’s intention to reduce the risk of conflict-of-interest situations.
2.0 Context
The overall context for the development of this policy is to define the circumstances where a conflict of interest can arise in the provision of the ASM Group’s training services.
A conflict of interest arises where the commitments and obligations owed by an individual member of staff to the ASM Group or to accrediting bodies could be compromised or may appear to be compromised, by:
- Person’s personal gain, or gain to immediate family or a person with whom the person has a close personal relationship, whether financial or otherwise
Examples of conflict of interest: tutor marking assessment of friend/relative, ASM staff member attending course while having access to assessments.
3.0 Scope
This policy applies to all present staff (temporary and permanent), all potential staff, all independent contractors, tutors providing services to ASM including our customers (individual learners and client companies).
4.0 Policy
ASM policy in relation to a potential or actual conflict of interest is as follows:
- ASM Management and staff are committed to identifying and reporting to the Training Manager all potential or actual conflicts of interest that may arise in delivery or assessment of our course programmes.
- The ASM Training Manager will review and investigate potential or actual conflicts of interest.
- The ASM Training Manager will take steps to avoid any potential or actual conflicts of interest occurring.
- Conflicts of interest will be recorded and will include details of the steps taken to mitigate and avoid the occurrence of the conflict of interest.
All employees, independent contractors, instructors are responsible for maintaining and adhering to this policy.
Approved By: Eamonn Horgan
Position: Associate Director
Date: 13/07/22