Face Fit – Respiratory Protective Equipment – Training Course

About the Course

Course Duration: Approx. 2hr for Theory
Approx. 35min per candidate for face fit test

Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) is a particular type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), used to protect the individual wearer against the inhalation of hazardous substances in the workplace air. Where RPE is used it must be able to provide adequate protection for individual wearers. RPE cannot protect the wearer if it leaks. A major cause of leakage is poorly fitting masks. Tight-fitting facepieces need to fit the wearer’s face to be effective. This is carried out through Fit Testing. RPE not worn or selected appropriately is totally ineffective and may give the user a false sense of protection.

The correct selection of appropriate RPE for the task undertaken is one of the most important steps in the RPE lifecycle process. Failing to select, fit-test, use, store and maintain correct RPE will lead to exposure of hazardous substance(s) at work.

This course is suitable for personnel who are required to wear all forms of RPE at work.

ASM Group

On completion of this training participants will be able to:

  • Fully understand the selection process involved in choosing RPE.
  • How to fit the mask correctly.
  • How to inspect, maintain and know when to disregard the mask.
  • Legislation & Regulations around RPE
  • Route of Exposure
  • Respiratory Hazards
  • Selection of Equipment
  • FFP Tight Fitting Respirators
  • Filter Masks
  • Half Masks & Full Mask Respirators
  • Donning & Doffing of RPE
  • Qualitative Fit Testing
  • What is Facepiece fit testing
  • What is the reason for facepiece fit testing

Practical test

Testing is designed to test the specific mask as used by the participant. You must bring a suitable mask with you that you wish to be fit tested for.

What is the Face Fit – Respiratory Protective Equipment Training Course?
The Face Fit course provides individuals who work with Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) with the tools to select, fit, use, store, and maintain their RPE safely and effectively.

Why do the Face Fit – Respiratory Protective Equipment Training Course?

When there is potential for inhalation of harmful substances in the workplace, employees must use RPE, which is a specific type of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). RPE is vital to protect its wearer, but it cannot be effective if it leaks. Poorly fitting masks are a common, and very dangerous, cause of leakage. A tightly fitting face mask is essential, and Fit Testing is the best way to ensure a good fit. It is important for employee health and safety that they know how to conduct face fit testing to select, fit, use and store their RPE correctly, otherwise the protection will be completely ineffective. The Face Fit course is not just designed for employees who need to wear RPE, but also for persons who may be instructing others to wear RPE, such as safety officers, supervisors, and managers.

What do you learn on the Face Fit – Respiratory Protective Equipment Training Course?
Participants on Face Fit training courses will learn:

  • Regulations governing the use of RPE in the workplace
  • How to identify respiratory hazards
  • Routes of exposure to harmful inhalants
  • How to select your face fit testing kit equipment
  • How to use FFP tight fitting respirators
  • How to use filter respirators, half mask and full mask respirators
  • How to correctly put on and take off your Respiratory Protective Equipment. (RPE)
  • What Face Fit testing is, why to do it, and how to do it
  • The correct method of qualitative fit testing

How long is the Face Fit – Respiratory Protective Equipment Training Course?

The course takes around two and a half to three hours. This includes two hours of theory, and a 35 minute individual face fit test for each participant. The fit testing is designed to assess the fit of the actual equipment used by each participant, so everyone joining the course should bring along the specific gear they want to fit-test.

Got a question about this course?

Call us on 021 2409072 or email us on contact@asmgroup.ie and we would be happy to help