Manual Handling Training Course

About the Manual Handling Training Course

Course Duration: 1/2 day

This manual handling course is intended for all personnel involved in the movement of loads. Topics covered in our manual handling training include anatomy of the spine and practical manual handling techniques.

Manual Handling Courses Cork

ASM Group runs regular manual handling courses in Cork at SMA Wilton Community Centre, Wilton, Cork, T12 AX94.

All staff engaged in manual handling activities and manual handling of loads during their working day.

ASM Group

On completion of this practical session training participants will be able to:
  • Be aware of the necessity for safe methods of manual handling to reduce the risk of injury from incorrect manual handling.
  • Understand the need to avoid manual handling by using mechanical aids where possible.
  • Assess the task and perform risk assessment using the TILE criteria (task, individual, load, environment).
  • Implement the correct method of lifting ensuring minimal health and safety risk to self and co-workers.
  • Know how to safely execute all relevant workplace manual handling tasks for safe handling of loads.
  • Legislation – duties and responsibilities
  • Anatomy and musculoskeletal system
  • Body mechanics and injury
  • Fitness and flexibility
  • Hazards and risk identification (TILE)
  • Principles of lifting
  • Use of mechanical aids
  • Practical skills demonstration and practice

Written and practical test

  • Be medically fit to participate in practical lifting/bending element of the manual handling training course
  • Have a good level of English

What is a manual handling course?
Manual Handling Courses gives employees the information they need in order to transport heavy loads safely. This includes educating them on the anatomy of the spine, as well as practical and safe techniques for lifting heavy loads. Legislation to do with manual handling safety plus rights and responsibilities in the workplace are also covered.

Why do a manual handing course?
The health of employees should be of paramount concern to all employers. Back injuries can seriously affect quality of life, as well as ability to continue in employment. Equipping workers with the knowledge they need to properly look after their health while involved in heavy lifting tasks can drastically diminish the incidence of back and spinal injuries. A good grounding in proper manual handling makes a work force more efficient and productive, as well as safer.

Proper manual handling training will help workers be aware of the necessity for safe methods of manual handling to reduce the risk of injury. It will enable them to understand the need to use mechanical aids where possible, as well as assess the task using the TILE criteria (task, individual, load, environment). They will learn how to implement the correct method of lifting to ensure minimal risk to themselves and others.

What do you learn on a manual handling course?
The manual handling course is a practical session and will cover a wide range of issues associated with lifting heavy loads in the workplace. It will include training on:

  • Legislation – duties and responsibilities
  • The anatomy of the spine and musculoskeletal system
  • Body mechanics and injury
  • Fitness and flexibility
  • Hazards and risk identification (TILE)
  • Principles of lifting
  • Use of mechanical aids

As well as learning the theory behind safe manual handling techniques, the course will include a thorough practical grounding in safe lifting. Participants will have a chance to put the skills they have learnt into practice with the help of our expert instructors.

How long does a manual handling course take?
Our manual handling course takes half a day.

What are the course requirements?
In order to participate in manual handling training courses, we require attendees to be medically fit enough to take part in the physical lifting / bending element of the course. We also look for a good level of English. Participants will be assessed through a written and practical test.

Half Day Manual Handling Course

For a full list of upcoming courses click “Book Course” below.

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