Retainer Packages

ASM Group – Your Health & Safety Partner

With 20 years of experience in representing our clients ASM is recognised as an industry leader. With every company having to abide by Health & Safety regulations ASM is your ideal partner no matter your size or industry. We understand the difficulties companies face ensuring health & safety compliance in their industry.. We offer practical solutions to suit your business needs.

Examples of our bespoke solutions consist of the following depending on the clients’ requirements.

Workplace inspection. Completion of compliance report / recommendations for improvements.

Review existing risk assessments and safety statement.

Review training requirements (carry out a training needs assessment)

ASM to procure H&S training courses on behalf of Company. Discount applied to all training provided by ASM.

ASM Management Rep to act as Company Competent person (appointed H&S responsible person).

Chairing Safety Action Team

Attendance at Safety Steering Commitment Meeting.

Accident investigation

Regular workplace audits

Develop safety culture programme.

Assist with tenders.

Assistance with external certification

Inhouse training etc

Enquire About our Health and Safety Consultancy Services

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