Health and Safety Gap Analysis
Our consultancy services include Health and Safety Gap Analysis, which is a comprehensive service to highlight areas of potential risk within your organisation. Gap analysis is an essential process to protect your business and your team members, both physically and legally, and aims to identify the gaps between current practice and the standards required by law.
Administrative Controls
As part of our Gap Analysis, we will consider training to reduce the risk in a situation where a hazard cannot be eliminated, substituted or reduced. This is known as an administrative control. Prevention is the key to protecting your workplace and employees. Training is an essential way to do this, equipping your staff with the knowledge and resources to take responsibility for enhancing workplace safety.
Identifying Gaps in Training
It is often the case that gaps in Health and Safety practices or training are only identified when accidents occur, and our aim is to identify these gaps in advance and prevent potential accidents, keeping your workforce and your premises safe. Our consultants will identify gaps in training and produce a strategy to combat these gaps and improve your practice.
Problem Solving for Your Workplace
A Gap Analysis is an excellent way to ensure that your operations are watertight and that you are measuring up to the legislation that governs your practice. It can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your practice and establish where you can make improvements to ensure compliance. It is a problem solving tool that can be used to meet performance goals and can form part of your annual audit, and our consultants will be happy to discuss the best ways to implement this for you.
Protecting you and your people
Enquire About our Health and Safety Consultancy Services
At ASM, we offer unique consultancy services to drive up the standard of Health and Safety practices in Ireland. Health and Safety Consultancy Services can give you peace of mind, ensuring that you and your team are protected both practically and legally, and will ensure that you make the most of our experience and expertise. We are committed to improving health and safety in the workplace and we look forward to working with you.