What is the ASM IOSH PSDP course?

close up hard hat holding by construction worker

ASM Group are delighted to announce the launch of our newly IOSH approved Project Supervisor of the Design Process training (PSDP) course. This one-day course can be delivered both remotely and in-person. The course covers in detail the various duties of the PSDP along with an overview of the duties of the Client and Designers. Our instructors are passionate about training and with decades of experience in H&S industry they deliver a hugely successful training experience.

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is the world’s Chartered body for safety and health professionals, facilitating health and safety training in over 130 different countries. This makes IOSH one of the most reputable brands in Occupational Health and Safety and Health and Safety training. The IOSH approved status of the ASM Group PSDP course means that our course meets the IOSH health and safety training standards and anyone that successfully completes this course will receive an IOSH certificate.

This course is suitable for all Client personnel involved in construction activities in their organisation (management team members, facilities, procurement, engineering, and maintenance), Designers, Engineers, Consultants acting in the role of PSDP, Safety Officers/Managers, Employer Representatives and Quantity Surveyors.

The PSDP is a statutory appointment under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 to 2021. The Client has the responsibility for the appointment of the PSDP and to assess the competence of the proposed people / organisation who are being proposed to coordinate the role on their project.  The main duties of the PSDP are:

  • The coordination of Designers
  • Coordination of the implementation of the general principles of prevention
  • Preparation of the safety and health plan design stage
  • Coordination of temporary works and contractors with a design portion
  • Coordinate the preparation of the safety file (handover file)
  • Issue direction where necessary to another duty holder.

The course also covers the duties of designers, as the coordination of designers is one of the main responsibilities of the PSDP.

The content of ASM Group’s IOSH approved PSDP course contains both theory and practical elements. Theory portion of the training including such topics as:

  • Role of PDSP
  • Key definitions applicable to Design & Mgmt. under the 2005 Act.
  • Designing For Safety in Construction:
  • Legal Requirements
  • Duties of the Client – Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013
  • Particular Risks – Schedule 1 of the Construction Regulations 2013.
  • Duty of Designers – Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013.
  • General Principles of Prevention (Design Activity)
  • Duties of the Project Supervisor Design Process – Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013.
  • Practical Implementation
  • Notification to the Health and Safety Authority (AF1).
  • Designer kick off Meeting.
  • Design Stage Meetings
  • Design safety review.
  • Design risk assessment / PSDP Risk Register
  • Preliminary Health and Safety Plan (PSDP Plan).
  • PSDP role during construction.
  • Project Safety File.
  • Course summary

The practical portion of the training includes:

  • PSDP site survey
  • Workshops on appointments and risks
  • Design Risk Assessment

According to the HSA Guidelines on the Procurement, Design and Management Requirements of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013, Clients have a responsibility to ensure that the PSDP, the PSCS, Designers and Contractors are all competent to undertake their duties. This course assist with the question of competence under the heading of training.

ASM Group trainers have being delivering courses in relation to the role of PSDP and designers, since the Irish Construction Regulations changed in 2006. Our courses have received a lot of acclaim from our ever-expanding client base.